clinical centres

find on map the nearest clinical centre or register your centre

Find an Amyloidosis Clinical Centre on the map

Have a look at the map for all clinical centres in your region or fill out the form below to add your clinical centre to the map and let other people know where to find you.

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performs cardiac amyloidosis scintigraphy

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includes an official amyloidosis expert centre

Register your Amyloidosis Clinical Centre on the map

In order for others to view your clinical centre on the map, please fill out the registration form and add all the necessary information about your centre.

Registration form

    Education, eLearning, knowledge flow, certification!

    EURO-LEARN is here to educate, create a knowledge base for patients and specialists to exchange knowledge and experiences. We want to provide support in two ways – both for patients and for doctors who can explore the disease, learn to recognise it in advance and increase international relationships between specialists to help and ensure the development of medical knowledge. This is made possible with the certified eLearning course on Cardiac Amyloidosis!