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Alessia Gimelli: Results EU Questionnaire on Cardiac Amyloidosis and Cardiac Sarcoidosis & Clinical cases (EANM 2020)

Hans Nienhuis: Introduction Cardiac Amyloidosis and New Treatment Options (EANM 2020)

Jens Soerensen: New PET Radiopharmaceuticals in Cardiac Amyloidosis, Perspectives (EANM 2020)

Riemer Slart: Cardiac Bone Scans -Protocols, Interpretation, Quantification (EANM 2020)

EANM'23 Satellite Symposium by Pfizer (Disclaimer: This video has kindly been made available by Pfizer Inc. as additional material on the topic of cardiac amyloidosis. The sponsored content is in no way connected to the educational grant offered and does not collide with the educational material that is part of the online course.)

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share your discoveries, analyzes and documentation with the community. Every contribution to the advancement of the knowledge of amyloidosis is worth its weight in gold for those who suffer and lose hope.

Education, eLearning, knowledge flow, certification!

EURO-LEARN is here to educate, create a knowledge base for patients and specialists to exchange knowledge and experiences. We want to provide support in two ways – both for patients and for doctors who can explore the disease, learn to recognise it in advance and increase international relationships between specialists to help and ensure the development of medical knowledge. This is made possible with the certified eLearning course on Cardiac Amyloidosis!